
Three Major Types Of Muscle

iii.iv: Distinguishing Betwixt The Iii Types of Muscle Tissue

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    Muscular tissue is the third of the 4 major categories of animal tissue. Muscle tissue is subdivided into three wide categories: skeletal muscle, cardiac musculus, and shine muscle. The three types of musculus can exist distinguished by both their locations and their microscopic features.

    Skeletal musculus is found attached to basic. It consists of long multinucleate fibers. The fibers run the entire length of the muscle they come from and and so are usually too long to have their ends visible when viewed nether the microscope. The fibers are relatively broad and very long, but unbranched . Fibers are not private cells, but are formed from the fusion of thousands of precursor cells. This is why they are so long and why individual fibers are multinucleate (a single fiber has many nuclei). The nuclei are usually upwardly against the edge of the fiber. There are striations in skeletal muscle. These are alternating night and light bands perpendicular to the edge of the fiber that are present all along the fiber.

    Cardiac muscle is merely found in the heart. Its fibers are longer than they are wide, and they are striated , like skeletal musculus fibers. But, unlike skeletal muscle fibers, cardiac muscle

    fibers have distinct ends to them, chosen intercalated discs . These are nighttime lines that run from one side of the cobweb to the other. The intercalated discs are not much thicker than the striations, simply they are unremarkably darker so distinct for that reason. One cardiac muscle cobweb is the material between two intercalated discs. Cardiac musculus fibers are mononucleate , with only i nucleus per cobweb, and they can sometimes be branched .

    Smooth muscle is found in the walls of internal organs, such as the organs of the digestive tract, claret vessels, and others. Information technology consists of mononucleate fibers with tapered edges . No striations are visible in polish muscle nether the microscope. Because polish muscle often is wrapping around the organ it is associated with, it can be hard to detect an entire polish muscle cobweb in profile in a tissue slice on a microscope slide. Most of the fibers will be sectioned at angles or volition be difficult to get into a unmarried plane of focus, but a little flake of searching can usually turn up some with all of the defining characteristics visible.

    LAB 3 EXERCISE \(\PageIndex{one}\)

    In each of the three photomicrographs beneath, place which type of musculus is present. List the defining visual characteristics of that blazon of muscle, and describe arrows to features on the photograph that illustrate each characteristic.


    Musculus type:  _________________

    Visual characteristics






    Muscle type:  _________________

    Visual characteristics






    Muscle type:  _________________

    Visual characteristics





      1. Obtain a slide of cardiac muscle tissue from the slide box.
      2. View the slide on an appropriate objective.
      3. Fill out the blanks side by side to your drawing.
      4. In the circle beneath, draw a representative sample of central features y'all identified, taking intendance to correctly and conspicuously depict their true shapes and directions. Depict your structures proportionately to their size in your microscope's field of view.
    1. Obtain a slide of skeletal muscle tissue from the slide box.
    2. View the slide on an appropriate objective.
    3. Fill out the blanks next to your drawing.
    4. In the circle below, draw a representative sample of fundamental features you identified, taking care to correctly and clearly draw their truthful shapes and directions. Draw your structures proportionately to their size in your microscope'southward field of view.
    5. Obtain a slide of smoothen muscle tissue from the slide box.
    6. View the slide on an appropriate objective.
    7. Fill out the blanks adjacent to your drawing.
    8. In the circle below, draw a representative sample of primal features you identified, taking care to correctly and clearly draw their truthful shapes and directions. Draw your structures proportionately to their size in your microscope'southward field of view.


    A&P Labs. Authored past : Ross Whitwam. Provided by : Mississippi University for Women. Located at : . License : CC By-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike


    Exercise \(\PageIndex{1}\)A. Authored by : Kent Christensen, Ph.D., J. Matthew Velkey, Ph.D., Lloyd M. Stoolman, M.D., Laura Hessler, and Diedra Mosley-Brower. Provided by : Academy of Michigan Histology and Virtual Microscopy Learning Resources. Located at: . License: CC By-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{1}\)B. Authored by : Kent Christensen, Ph.D., J. Matthew Velkey, Ph.D., Lloyd M. Stoolman, Thou.D., Laura Hessler, and Diedra Mosley-Brower. Provided past : University of Michigan Histology and Virtual Microscopy Learning Resources. Located at: . License: CC Past-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

    Exercise \(\PageIndex{1}\)C. Authored by : Kent Christensen, Ph.D., J. Matthew Velkey, Ph.D., Lloyd K. Stoolman, M.D., Laura Hessler, and Diedra Mosley-Brower. Provided by : Academy of Michigan Histology and Virtual Microscopy Learning Resource. Located at: . License: CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike

    Three Major Types Of Muscle,


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